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PLEASE NOTE: Bullion Vault is a separate business not associated with or Optrics Inc. We have chosen to advertise to you as a Bullion Vault affiliate member because we believe every investor should know about Bullion Vault.  Bullion Vault does pay us a small commission for each referral that results in a new Bullion Vault account but first we want you to know the full Bullion Vault story.

We are Bullion Vault account holders ourselves and became account holders because of Bullion Vaults' truly ground-breaking marriage of Internet Technology, English Bailment law and secure Precious Metals storage to create what we feel is the most cost-effective, liquid and secure way to own and trade gold in the market today.  We believe that everyone should own gold as core insurance in their portfolio and not just gold certificates or other potentially worthless promises to pay or promises to deliver real gold in times of crisis - the only real reason to have a core gold holding in your portfolio in the first place.

Do you understand the difference between allocated and unallocated gold holdings?  Do you own real gold or just one more shaky counterparty liability? Do you know the consequences of holding unallocated gold versus allocated and the true risks to your gold holdings in times of real financial crisis? Are there really enough chairs to go around when everyone wants to sit down suddenly? Are you sure you have one with your name on it that is absolutely guaranteed to be yours?

Read the Bullion Vault FAQs and learn why and how Bullion Vault provides secure gold-market access to the small investor with guaranteed physically-segregated storage in your own name while also providing the real-time ability to trade your holdings almost instantly in and out of the gold market. Learn how Bullion Vault gives you this level of security yet at extremely low commission rates and at extremely low annual storage fees. All this with real physical gold held in the world's most secure storage vaults and fully segregated at all times in your name. This should get you very excited if you already know a bit about how the gold market operates but up until now could only watch from the sidelines. Learn how your account is protected with daily published and audited holdings of all accounts via the Internet so you can verify your account at any time. Learn how your account access is monitored 24 X 7 and an email dispatched to you every time your account is accessed or activity happens within your account.

Bullion Vault uses the Internet to give the small investor access to the gold market with all of the savings and security of a large commercial firm and none of the risks of holding gold as just another paper promise-to-pay. Learn more today and discover the benefits that lead us to choose Bullion Vault to secure our own core holdings and why they can do the same for you. If in the end you decide you like the Bullion Vault service as much as we did then welcome aboard and a small cha-ching to our own Bullion Vault account for the introduction.